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Anyone who has been harmed by sexual harassment can seek help from our detective bureau. With years of experience, licensed detectives will find evidence incriminating the perpetrator, and the victim will remain anonymous. Evidence collected by private detectives can be used in a court hearing, and the victim can seek compensation.

biuro detektywistyczne - prywatny detektyw Kraków

Sexual harassment, is unacceptable sexually motivated behavior against a person’s will. Sexual harassment most often occurs at work, as this is where we spend most of our time. Sexual harassment affects both men and women, as well as children (e.g. at camps, courses). Often employers sexually abuse employees who are anxious to be promoted or change to another job.

Sexual harassment can manifest itself as follows:

– attempts to kiss,

– attempts at touching,

– groping,

– ambiguous comments,

– sending ambiguous photos or messages;

The client, during the course of a case commissioned to our detective agency, is informed at every stage by the licensed private investigator in charge.

It should be remembered that sexual harassment is punishable under the Criminal Code as well as in( Article 197 par. 1-4, the perpetrator can be imprisoned from 2 to 12 years) the Labor Code (Article 18[3a] par.5).